Having started professional life in health management, she asked herself one startling question after the birth of her first child. How could she have been a reasonably well educated adult and yet stand on the threshold of parenting without any true idea of what was about to happen to her body, her baby and her life? After the birth of her first child in 1994, Erica realized she wanted to change careers. Distilling the overwhelming data and opinion on pregnancy, childbirth and parenting has become a calling for Erica. She values practical, research supported information that women and families can actually use for coping, decision making, and developing their strength in parenting. Her primary focus is supporting mothers and families find their strength in a world of mixed messages and challenges in parenting.
Ms. Lyon now works as the Executive Director at a free medical and dental clinic ensuring families get the healthcare they need. She has consulted for numerous hospitals, community centers, obstetrical, midwifery and family practices supporting or creating the development of educational and support programs for women and new parents. She has worked extensively in both the for profit and nonprofit world to address needs in maternal child health.