Coaching with a child development and parenting support focus.

This online session is one hour for the caregiver(s) / parent(s) of the child. This session focuses on child development education through psychosocial, cognitive and physiological needs blended with the primary caregivers needs, families circumstances, and stressors. It is important to understand ourselves as a parent, and our reactions to our child’s developmental needs. Every parent sometimes needs support getting through the day to day in ways that feel healthy and support the family functioning well. This session can address tantrums, sleep, co-parenting and understanding what is going on in your child’s head, and the myriad challenges of being parent in the modern world. The session educates parents on child development, parenting strategy, and is support for the daily work of parenting. As our kids grow, so does their understanding and interpretations of the world. Growth is constant, trying to keep up with why something used to work and no longer works, or how to reach and teach our kids is an ongoing life lesson.


1 hour | $75 per couple



What do you do in the Parent support session?            

Realistically, this session could be called “parent coaching” I just hate using that word because there is no standardized meaning or training for being a “coach”. This session is most often about problem solving what is going on with your child based on their age, development, the stressors at play and your family needs and dynamics. That alone is a lot to unpack and figure out how to support our kids growth and development. My primary goal will be to give you practical strategies to implement and help you understand your child and yourself as a parent.

It is important to note I am NOT a therapist. I am an educator on human development --with a special focus on maternal child health-, parenting, and development and I am a good problem solver when looking at how a family’s stressors, behavior, and development interact. Generally parents do anywhere from 1-6 sessions and will see a shift for the better in how their family is functioning and how they are feeling about parenting in general. Some parents schedule regular check-ins, weekly, or once or twice a month. Some parents just check in with me a few times a year or when they are going through tough spots. Sometimes I will suggest parents go to counseling, or have a child evaluated, and recommend other professional help with more complex situations or problems that are beyond my education and support focused scope.            

Do you do divorce mediation?            

Yes. Erica is also an approved TN Rule 31 mediator and can provide formal mediation services. Additionally, if parents want education and support on navigating a divorce with the child’s best interest put first I can help support the couple on achieving that and set parameters on behavior and routines.